Mail gem version 2 released

22 January 2010

The past month has seen a flurry in activity on the Mail gem but I just pushed 2.0.3 to GemCutter, it is quite a release!

If you haven’t heard of mail, you can get some background here, here, here and here

Mail is a very Ruby way to handle emails.

Version 2.0.3 is the first gem release I have in the last couple of weeks, this is because I went through and (in good BDD style) refactored major parts of the Mail gem so it handles better.

Some of the major things were:

SMTP Delivery Agent revamped

I went through the SMTP delivery agent and cleaned it up, also adding examples for how you use Mail with GMail and MobileMe so there is no more guess work here.

Delivery agents are now instance based

This means that each mail object that you instantiate can have its own delivery method. Why is this important?

Well, say you are writing a web based email client for multiple users, but each user has their own SMTP hosts, when you make a mail object for that user, you could assign the delivery method for that user to that mail object, then delivery is just calling .deliver! on the mail object, and away it goes.

There is still default class wide settings for all the major delivery agents (SMTP, Sendmail and File) however, you can now over ride these.

mail1 =
mail1.delivery_method #=> #<Mail::SMTP:0x101381c18 @setting
mail2 =
mail2.delivery_method :sendmail
mail2.delivery_method #=> #<Mail::Sendmail:0x101381c18 @setting
mail1.delivery_method #=> #<Mail::SMTP:0x101381c18 @setting

Attachments are now just parts

Before, an Attachment had its own object type in Mail. This was nice and all, but was just added cruft that got in there during the BDD cycle. I ripped out the entire attachment class, and an attachment is now just a plain old Mail::Part. This makes the code simpler, which is good for everyone.

Mail also now has a very cool attachments API:

mail =
mail.attachments #=> []
mail.attachments['filename.jpg'] ='filename.jpg')
mail.attachments['file.pdf'] = {:content_type => 'application/x-pdf',
                                :content =>'file')
mail.attachments.length #=> 2
mail.attachments[0].filename #=> 'filename.jpg'
mail.attachments['filename.jpg'] #=> <# Mail::Part, filename = 'filename.jpg' ...>

Yes, that is an ArrayHashThingy™ class, and, it rocks :) It is actually an AttachmentsList object that inherits from Array and implements a custom [] class.

Thanks to David and Yehuda who were brainstorming on the new ActionMailer 3.0 API with me, which I used for inspiration for this implementation. (more on the ActionMailer 3.0 API that I am pair programming with José later :)

Mail returns default values for fields, that can be modified

Mail returns an array of address specs when you call <span class="fixed">{=html}</span>{=html} and would re-initialize that array with new values when you called <span class="fixed">{=html}</span>{=html}.

However, this array object was just a result of a method, it was not a representation of the addresses within the address field, so then doing <span class="fixed">{=html} << value</span>{=html} would seem to work (no error) but the address would get lost, for example:

# Old (unintuitive method)
mail ="To:") #=> [''] << '' #=> ['']

This now works on all Address fields that can take more than one address, so

# New (intuitive) method
mail ="To:") #=> [''] << '' #=> ['', '']

Thanks to Sam for suggesting this feature.

Access returned to the Address objects

When you call <span class="fixed">{=html}</span>{=html} you get a list of address spec strings (‘’ for example), but it will not give you the display name, or formatted address etc.

To handle this, you can now call mail[:to] to get the actual ToField object, and then you can call #display_names, #formatted, and #addrs, the last of which will give you the actual Address objects in an array (the original behaviour of Mail), like so:

mail ="To: Mikel Lindsaar <>") #=> ['']
to = mail[:to]  #=> #<Mail::Field:0x10137c718...
to.addrs #=> [#<Mail::Address:2165620900 Address: || >]
to.addrs.each do |addr|
  puts "Formatted: #{addr.format}"
  puts "Display:   #{addr.display_name}"
  puts "Address:   #{addr.address}"
# Produces:
Formatted: Mikel Lindsaar <>
Display:   Mikel Lindsaar
=> [#<Mail::Address:2165518560 Address: |Mikel Lindsaar <>| >]

Thanks to Karl for suggesting this would be handy :)

More methods added to address fields

You can also access an array of the formatted, display_names or addresses directly from address fields:

mail ="To: Mikel Lindsaar <>")
#=> [""]
#=> ["Mikel Lindsaar <>"]
#=> ["Mikel Lindsaar"]

Remaining Stuff

There are a lot of other small bug fixes, parts now get sorted recursively on encode, body objects will accept an array of strings and call join on them, and many other small things that are in the commit and change logs. Check it out.

As always, tickets (and patches) are always welcome, I use GitHub’s Tracker for this. Or you can talk to us on the Mail Google Group

Happy Mailing!



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