I am speaking at RailsConf 2010

12 April 2010

If you visit my website, you can see the badge, and it is true, this Aussie munchkin is making the trek to the US of A to talk to a bunch of people about a little section of Rails.

The talk is called “Itch Scratching the ActionMailer API” and I am going to discuss how it all happened, from starting with TMail, why I got fed up with it, why I started Mail, how I went about coding it including spec examples and my workflow, and then onto integrating Mail into ActionMailer and then onto rewriting the ActionMailer API.

I hope it will be an interesting talk, I’ll also be going over Mail and how to use it and some of the lesser known features that you can take advantage of in Rails.

Hope to see you there! If you have any suggestions or things you would like me to include, hit me up in the comments, or via Twitter or through my email address.

See you soon!



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