TMail::Mail#create_forward now returns mail object

20 November 2007

TMail::Mail instances had an instance method called create_forward hidden away in net.rb. We move it up into the big time with ticket 15445

This method was hidden away in net.rb inside the lib/tmail directory.

What this method was meant to do is allow you to make a forwarded email that you can then populate with a body and send onto someone.

It was inside net.rb, so you used to have to require it with “require ‘tmail/net’” but now it has been moved into interface.rb with the other main TMail instance methods.

So, how do you use it?

Well, like this.

Say you get an email in a file that you want to load in and reply to called my_email. Then you just go ahead and do the following:

mail = TMail::Mail.load("my_email")
forwarded_email = mail.create_forward = "you <>"
forwarded_email.from = "me <>"
forwarded_email.subject = "Here is that forwarded email I was talking about"
body =<<HEREDOC
Hey you,

Here is that email I was talking about!

forwarded_email.body = body

In fact, the forwarded email is a totally new, real, live spanking TMail::Mail instance, so you can add attachments, add reply-to’s or whatever else you want to do to the object before you send it off!

Pretty cool hey?



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