Getting Rails 2.0 and MS SQL Server Talking

16 December 2007

With version 2.0 of Rails, getting it talking to SQLServer has become a whole lot easier.

Today I had to get a different Windows computer hooked up as a development system to talk to our Rails installation and the Development SQL Server.

I started trawling through the online documentations and thought, “This must be easier”.

So, I went off to get the latest One Click Ruby Installer for Windows ( and downloaded it.

After installing this, I did the following:

c:\> gem install rails
c:\> gem install activerecord-sqlserver-adapter 

And then configured up my database.yml file like so:

  adapter: sqlserver
  mode: ODBC
  dsn: app_development

Added similar entries for production and test and started my app…


This is really cool! Lots easier than plugging in this ODBC connecter and that Ruby DBI… the one click installer has it all already installed.

Anyway, thought y’all might like to know.


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