Tip #12 - HTML and HTTP are Your Friends

20 April 2008

What is an <em> tag? How do you manually make a select box? What about a multi value select box? Do you know the difference between a <submit> tag and a <button> tag? Can you hand code a form to make a restful post to one of your Rails controllers? If you can’t do all the above with plain HTML and no rails helpers or don’t know the difference between a GET and POST request and when you use either, then you need to read on. If you can, feel free to skip to the next section.

This is part of my 8-Part tip-a-thon on the Must Know Facets of Ruby on Rails. If you haven’t already, please read the first part and then come forward (there is a link at the bottom of each article that links to the next)

Learn All About HTML

You would think it would go without saying, but to do Ruby on Rails, you are GOING to need to know what the old workhorse, HTML, is and how to use it.

HTML is what we use for everything on the web. Unless you are not coding for the web and making an entirely resourceful application that only talks via XML or some other protocol, you will need to understand HTML. After all, it is the presentation layer and with a bad, unusable, unintuitive design, it doesn’t matter how good your application is, your users won’t use it.

Lets give some examples.

You all know Rails has a form helper. This thing is a god-send. It turns making an entire, fully functioning post request into:

<%- form_for @user -%>

But unless you know what that tag is actually generating, you will always go over that and look at it and glibly say “Oh, yeah, that makes the user form” and then when something about it doesn’t work, you are in trouble.

What about the select tag? Rails again to the rescue:

<%= collection_select @person, :job, @jobs, :id, :name -%>

And TADA, you suddenly have a complete select box with all the jobs a person can have with their existing job already selected.

This is all good until you need to go outside the square, then your underlying knowledge of how all the HTML works (or lack of it) will come up and bite you from behind.

So how do you get around this?

Well, believe it or not, your web browser ‘show source’ function is a VERY good start. Make a form and then open up the browser and have a look at the generated code. Then even go as far as not using the helpers and manually type the HTML code into the view and observe that it

gasp still looks and works the same as using the helper?

Too many times in forums and online, I have seen people (and myself too) try to shoe horn a helper into doing exactly what they want, instead of just coding it in HTML and being done with it (or making their own helper).

There are many advantages with the Rails helpers, especially with regards to code maintainability, and that is, if you use helpers you are agreeing to code in a certain manner that will allow yourself and others to read your code much more easily in the future. But at the end of the day, the most important thing is providing a robust and sound product to exchange with your users. If you can’t do this, then why bother?

A great website on all the HTML tags is the w3 schools forums. I highly recommend going through this site and reading up on every tag. For example, did you know that all your efforts to try and style that submit button would be handled by using a button tag, or that select boxes are not that hard to do by hand when you have to?

Also, you need to get a grip about how HTTP works. Understanding what the differences between a GET and POST request, and why would you use each in what scenario is critical to understanding how your rails app works and really throws you if you try to learn anything about RESTful interfaces.

In a nutshell (ignorning anything about REST for now that just builds on top of this), there are two ways most browsers will accept a form sent to them from a web browser. They are called GET and POST. You use GET when you are retrieving something from a application and are not trying to make any changes. You use POST when you are submitting some data to make changes. So a query form (asking the application about something) would usually be a GET request and creating a new user (sending data to the application) would be a POST request.

If you don’t get this, then trying to understand why a CREATE action uses a POST and a SHOW action uses GET would be unintuitive. But with the above single paragraph it becomes quite clear. (I’ll go into RESTful methods in a later post). Here is a good write up about GET and POST. Just one point, it clears up the word ‘idempotent’ about 8 paragraphs in (it basically means, “doesn’t make any change on the server”).

As for HTTP, that is what your Apache Web Server, Mongrel server or mod-rails application are handling. This is the give and take between browsers and their servers. It would do you well to understand how this works.

The bottom line is the HTTP and the HTML you and I use ALL DAY to get our Rails sites up and running is important and a foundation to understanding everything else in Ruby on Rails. Honestly, if you don’t get HTML, you will NOT get Rails, you might be able to punch out a website only using helpers, and if you can, good on you, but if something breaks at 2am and you have to fix it, I am sure you will wish you spent a few hours looking over how that form tag really works.



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