Convert Visual Basic / Microsoft Long Integer Color Values to CSS RGB Format

16 June 2008

Here is how to convert the microsoft way of storing color values (which looks like 16777215 for white) into the familiar RGB CSS style HEX values (which look like #FFFFFF) in Ruby.

def long_to_rgb_hex_string(val)
  r = "%x" % (val % 256)
  g = "%x" % ((val / 256) % 256)
  b = "%x" % ((val / 65536) % 256)
  "#" + [r,g,b].collect { |c| c.to_s.ljust(2, '0')}.to_s

long_to_rgb_hex_string(2093422) # => #6ef11f

Or Grant Hutchins gave this as an option from the comments:

def long_to_rgb_hex_string(val)
  sprintf(’#%06x’, val)

Any other good options? :)



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