Why Force a Choice?

20 February 2010

Recently I have been reading a bit from the Python crowd, and I realised a key point on why Rails is successful, you are not forced to choose.

You have all heard the “Convention over Configuration” mantra, and, if you use Rails, you most likely subscribe to this war cry, and why not? It enables the average developer to get up of the ground fast with an application that works, while simultaneously allowing your non average developer to do whatever the hell they want and extend the system in new and interesting ways.

This mantra provides the Rails Community with probably the second biggest advantage over any other web development framework out there, the first advantage is of course Ruby itself.

But while reading the installation manual from our DeeJayAngo friends, I kept hitting spots where the author was asking the reader to make decisions, mod_wsgi or mod_python, Apache or Nginx, threaded or prefork, the list goes on.

Now assumedly, the audience that article was written to was a crowd of developers who do not already know how to install a Python based web server, so asking them to make decisions on the capacity, style, environment and resources of a web app is a bit premature.

Of course, I am making an example of that one article, but I keep seeing this in various instruction manuals and frameworks. If that article was entitled “Django Installation Reference for the Experienced Developer” then fine, but it isn’t.

This reminds me of a saying from my philosophy of choice, “To decide, one must first understand”, and this holds very true in all of our web development circles, not just programming and installation guides.

Rails is opinionated, this is another way of saying that the developers of Rails (who do understand) makes decisions on behalf of the new user (who has relatively no clue) on how the system should behave. Then, step by step the user expands their knowledge up to a point where they understand the system themselves, and then, can make their own decisions, like change a javascript library, or write your own style scaffold, or whatever you choose.

But you as a Rails developer need to also keep this nugget of philosophy in mind when you are developing your Rails app. Your new customer has no idea how your system works, if the first thing you do is require them to make decisions, then chances are you are going to lose customers.

Each step of your site should have, as much as possible, ONE action that the customer should do to proceed to the next step.

Customer comes to your site for the first time, good, offer them the trial account, obviously and clearly. They don’t understand your service, they don’t really need to beyond “Will this service solve my problem at a realistic price?”. Making them decide to buy plan A or plan B, when they don’t even know what it is you do is just asking for disaster.

Customer logs into their newly purchased account, good, tell them what to do as a first action. Then, preferably, tell them what the second standard action is. Of course, don’t force them to do what you think is the best next step, but these User Interface guides can drastically improve your site’s usability.

The other thing that this forces you to do as a developer is simplify your site design and change the way you think. Of course you want the user to have many options, but if you keep this idea in mind of “Does the user at this point understand enough to be able to make a decision?” then you will find your product will become more and more successful.



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