Rails 3 Session Secret and Session Store

7 April 2010

In Rails 3 the location and way you declare the session secret and session store have changed.

Rails 3 Session Secret and Session Store

In Rails 3 the location and way you declare the session secret and session store have changed.

Previously (in 2.3.x) you would have one file:


ActionController::Base.session = {
  :key         => '_my_app_name_session',
  :secret      => 'somereallylongrandomkey'

In Rails 3, you reduce session_store.rb to the following:

Rails.application.config.session_store :cookie_store, :key => "_my_app_name_session"

And then, because we now need somewhere to store the secret, you create a new file called config/initializers/cookie_verification_secret.rb and put inside of it:

Rails.application.config.cookie_secret = 'somereallylongrandomkey'

If instead of using cookies, you were using active record as the store, then you obviously wouldn’t need the cookie_verification_secret.rb file and instead would insert any other config you needed into its own file inside of initializers.

This gives us the added bonus of being able to exclude cookie secrets from source control systems.



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